Dynamons World MOD APK respects the intellectual property rights of others and adheres to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). We are committed to handling copyright infringement accusations in a timely and equitable manner. If you feel that the content hosted on this website violates your copyright, please follow the steps outlined below.
Filing a DMCA notice
To seek the removal of infringing content, please write a formal DMCA notification that includes the following information:
Identification of Copyrighted Work:
Please describe the copyrighted work that you feel has been damaged.
- Violating Contents: Identify the work you feel violates your copyright and include a direct URL link to its position on our website.
- Your Contact Information: Please provide your entire name, address, phone number, and email address.
- A truthful statement: This statement confirms that you believe the doubtful application is inappropriate.
- Accuracy and Authorization: A statement confirming that the information offered is true and that you have permission to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright.
Signature: The physical or electronic signature of the copyright holder or someone authorized to act on their behalf.
If you consider that the content you provided was removed by fault or incorrect identification, you could send a counter-notification. The counter-notification must include your contact information, a description of the removed content, and a statement verifying that you agree that the content was mistakenly removed. If we obtain an accurate counter notice, we can recover the content in consideration.
Changes to this DMCA Policy
We have the right to update this DMCA policy at any moment. Please check this page on regularly to keep yourself up to date on our rules and regulations.